Originally published at
Lise Fracalossi. You can comment here or
The New Relevance of the Fantasy Novel, by Betsy Dornbusch 11 Joan Didion Quotes Every Writer Should Know. Some new favorites here!
What Writers Really Do When They Write. A thinkier piece on a similar topic. Pullquote: “The writer, having tossed up some suitably interesting pins, knows they have to come down, and, in my experience, the greatest pleasure in writing fiction is when they come down in a surprising way that conveys more and better meaning than you’d had any idea was possible.”
A comic about writer’s block. I seem to have a theme going this week 🙂
- Worked on Lioness edits x 3 (~2h 30m, total)
- Signed up for Camp NaNoWriMo in April
- Wrote blog post:
“The shifting phantasmagoria which is our actual experience”: some thoughts on Into Thin Air Reading
- Read Into Thin Air, by Jon Krakauer
Other Media
- Listened to Happier with Gretchen Rubin, episodes #105 - 107
- Listened to Writing Excuses #11.51 - 11.52, #12.1 - 12.2 and 12.4 - 12.5
- Listened to The Training Dummies #155 - #156
- Listened to Stuff You Missed in History Class: Executive Order 9066 & Japanese Internments, parts 1 and 2
- Watched the RiffTrax of Retro Puppet Master (missed this one in last L&A) and Ator, the Fighting Eagle
- Submitted character history for Shadowvale
- Blocked my pink Forest Canopy lace shawl
- Had dinner with Kevin at Rosebud Diner
- Took a long walk around my neighborhood (2.5mi-ish?)
- Took a 1.4mi walk
- 10 x crunches x 3
- Zombies run 5K training: week 4, workout 3 (2.85mi)
- Hacker’s Diet Introductory Fitness Ladder, rung one
- Zombies run 5K training: week 5, workout 1 (3.13mi)
- Zombies run 5K training: week 5, workout 2 (3.17mi)
- Used my sun lamp x 4 (possibly more, I forget)
- Had annual cardiologist appointment
My guild in WoW recently had a Bad Transmog Raid Night - like an ugly sweater party for gaming. This was my contribution.