Dec 09, 2015 14:25
When I hear people complaining about 5G -- in particular about not having fun, or not having enough to do -- I find myself asking:
Do I just have really low expectations because this is the first boffer game I've played?
I mean, I didn't think I did. I'm pretty picky about my games. There are many theater-style games I wasn't ashamed to leave because I was bored out of my gourd.
But I've never been bored in these games. Even if I'm just sitting in the tavern, talking with other Champions or Survivors while writing in my journal, it's a hoot.
I thought, maybe it's a Champion thing, since our side is smaller? But this was my experience at the Crossroads events, too, where we were WARNED there might not be enough to do.
Perhaps it helps that I have a supportive team, and an Order full of experienced roleplayers?
I know this game isn't going to have a ton of personal plot. I know it's got a small staff. These things don't bother me that much, either? Those are definitely questions of expectations, I suspect.
Honestly if there's one thing I hate about this game it's FUCKING CAMP ZION. But I don't see how we're going to escape that any time soon.
ETA: this is about me, not you, I promise. This is not me saying, "geesh, why are all these other people unhappy?" but rather, "I feel bad about liking this game when other people aren't having a good time."
fifth gate,