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Lise Fracalossi. You can comment here or
A little bit short on the links this week… I haven’t been goofing off on the internet nearly enough.
New Neuroscience Reveals 4 Rituals That Will Make You Happy. The title is a bit clickbait-y, but the content is good.
Writing - continues to get short shrift in my life right now. ‘Tis the season.
- Wrote 262 words on Lioness
- Wrote blog post
“Your quarterly reminder that I still play ESO” Reading
- Read “Hair,” Adam Roberts, Clarkesworld, July 2015
- Read “Security Check,” Han Song, Clarkesworld, August 2015
- Read
“The Servant,” Emily Devenport, Clarkesworld, August 2015. Highly recommend this one, if you dig stories about generation ships, class struggles, and the cycle of violence.
- Finished reading The Price of Valor, by Django Wexler
- NPCed for Shadows of Amun game 9
- Wrote my NPC PEL for Cottington Woods 3.3
Other Media
- Listened to Happier with Gretchen Rubin, episode 30 and 31
- Listened to Writing Excuses episode 10.38, “How Does Context Shape Dialog?”
- Finished week 3 of the Coursera course Learning How to Learn
- Finished the Rift Angler - and with it, the Pact Fisherman - achievement in ESO with Falanu
- Had lunch with Alison at Welcome India
- Made appointment with cardiologist (routine stuff, basically just to say, “Hey, I have horrid family history of early heart disease and arrythmias, what do?”)
- Walked x 3
- Did Hacker’s Diet Introductory Fitness Ladder workout (rung 1) x 1