Since Sunday, I have doubled my doujinshi collection. Not that this means much, as it now consists in one Trigun and one RK doujinshi. But damn, I have discovered how insidiously addictive this is. I must stop. It is only Christmas money I'm spending; money which was intended for me to buy myself something fun, but I wonder how the person who gave it to me (my dad) would feel about my spending it on smutty doujinshi.
On Sunday, as I said, I bought "Dance with Vampire." On Monday, I was so forlorn that the Integra-clones dj--actually mostly a Pip/Seras doujinshi called "Sayonara wo oshiete" (Saying goodbye?..... that's a tough one to translate)--was not being bid on, and I reasoned that it was $10, it was the same seller, so I wouldn't have to pay more shipping, etc, etc, so I bid on it, and, since nobody wanted it, won it.
Then last night, I browsed by
Doki Doki Station, which sells djs for reasonable prices and ships them from Japan. They had just gotten in a bunch of Hellsing djs; among them, one Alucard/Integra dj called "Kanoke Yuugi" (Coffin Game). For $13 for a fair-sized dj, how could I pass it up?
Why is this so addictive? I'm usually fairly frugal about my spending, but there's something about doujinshi which, I've just discovered, sends me into a raving mad fangirl.
Must. Stop. Now.