I was in Queens and then Long Island this past weekend for the wedding of my college friend Mike to his partner Josh. Mazel tov! Mostly it involved a lot of driving, playing Tales of the Arabian Nights with friends who live in the same complex as they do, and then a Sunday morning wedding where the power went off thanks to heavy winds. Wheeee!
All in all, I've been traveling every weekend for the past month or so. It's not a lot of downtime, and I feel ragged. Looking forward to this weekend as my first weekend off for a while...
I'm not sure how much I mentioned it--just a little, I think--but I'm planning to play in
Fifth Gate starting in spring. PC registrations opened just as Matt and I were returning to our hotel on Long Island late Saturday night, and we jumped on them, even though Silverfire is the far less populated faction. We received confirmation at 2am this morning that we had gotten in, and, it looks like, most of our planned group/warband.
This will be my first boffer larp as a player, provided I don't chicken out like I did when it came time to play Cottington Woods. I have to say, I'm glad now that I have the NPC experience I do. I have a better sense of what type of character I want to play and what types of fighting styles I like; what kinds of characters get attention from Plot; the dynamics of groups. It's more than I had before.
So I'll be playing Ianthe Florizel of the Order of the Arcane Circle, in the warband called The Eyrie. I'm going to be a healer/ranged offensive caster, taking the headers Circle of Enlightened Invocation and Orb of Battle to start. I'm going to have a half-cloak with an alchemical transmutation circle on it for one of my required Foci;
this glowing blue orb for my second, too many packets, too much hair, and wearing something like
the view on the left in blues and silvers.
(Hell, just look at my
Fifth Gate inspiration board on Pinterest)
Matt's going to be Rolant, my older fun-ruining brother (sword and board line fighter, also Arcane Circle, starting in the Halo of Deflection header). He just put in an order with The Ring Lord for a whole lotta scales to make scale mail armor.
I'm hella looking forward to it. I anticipate many long winter nights spent in companionable silence, Matt working on scale mail, I working on costuming and embroidery, with RiffTrax/MST3K on in the background.
I'm going to
this SCA ball the weekend of the 15th. It'll be my first SCA event! Still trying to figure out what I'm going to wear. Either the dress I made for Venezia--which is appropriately Italian Renaissance, just kind of shapeless, since Kass of Reconstructing History doesn't make patterns for people with boobs--or borrow something from
bess. I suspect I have enough time between now and then to finish the Tudor-era shift I'd been working on, which will at least give me something to wear underneath the ugly Venezia dress ;)
I had some shower brilliance yesterday morning and started working on revising "Powder of Sympathy" again. It's the only writing-related thing I've done in nearly a month. I don't want to say too much, though, for fear of jinxing it.
Since writing has been so hard for me lately, I'm considering writing some fanfic to get the creative juices flowing again. In specific, I've been giving some thought to writing a novelization of the events in my larp Cracks in the Orb.
Matt and I have been re-reading/listening to the Vlad novels in the car, and I just finished Yendi, which brought to mind a whole bunch of pre-Interregnum Dragaera stuff, including my "the Sorceress in Green is secretly Seodra" crack theory. And now I want to do something more with that than I do in my larp.
(so yes, I guess this is spoilery that Seodra is not secretly a Yendi in my larp, but oh well).
Of course, the events that lead up to Cracks have taken place over literally thousands of years, so it'd be a challenge to know where to begin, or whose perspective to tell the story from.
Something to cogitate on.