State of the Me

Mar 10, 2014 12:59

Very, very tired today. I had late nights both Saturday and Sunday, and the Daylight Savings Time switchover didn't help.

Saturday I mostly spent faffing about on the interwebs and cleaning house, although I did finish editing chapter 23 of G&F.

Sunday I went to a board game day at Chris and Stacy's house, with special guests Alison, Mel, and Will, and later in the day their roommate Nick P. It was a lot of fun. I played two games I hadn't played before--Ladies & Gentlemen (as a gentleman!) and Gauntlet of Fools--and worked on the hand-finishing of the black and silver mantle I wore for Cirque du Fey.

I also really enjoyed the company of their dog, Fiona. I like pups, but I don't get to be around them regularly--many of our friends own cats, but fewer own dogs. (Kerri and Andrew are the only other ones I can think of). Fiona is well-trained and friendly and fluffy and has the softest ears ever. At one point I crashed on their couch, and she curled up next to me :)

Admittedly, due to DST, all of us sacked out in the living room at one point in time or another >.<

Unlike most of my friends, Fiona is easily bribed with freeze-dried lamb lung.


Media consumption stuff:

- Almost finished The Blade Itself. Enjoyable, but I have Issues. More when I finish.

- I re-listened to Something Fresh (or Something New, depending on what version you have), the first Blandings novel. (The P.G. Wodehouse series that Midsummer Mischief is primarily based on). Matt and I have been commuting together a lot lately, and he hadn't heard it, so I played the audiobook again. Once again a re-read is an experience all its own. I really love the Ashe/Joan interactions in this one--a romance between two writers! I love quotes like "If I could have accepted the [dead] mouse from anyone I should certainly have accepted it from you."


"We shall always be the best of friends."
"We shall-but we will get married first."

Also no matter what I do these characters in my head will look like their players in Midsummer Mischief. Which functionally means that Matt will always be the Hon. Freddie :) Eh, wot?

- On the same note, we are almost finished listening to Leave It to Psmith, the second Blandings novel and (I think?) the first Psmith novel. This was the source of such chapter titles as "A Peculiar Occurrence at a Poetry Reading" (which I maintain is my Rasputina cover band) and "Almost Entirely About Flowerpots," as well as the quote, "The £20,000 flowerpot stared placidly up at the stars."

I like Psmith as a character, and would probably enjoy that series of novels, but I like the Psmith/Eve Halliday romance a lot less. But, meh. One doesn't read these novels for srs bsns romance.

In brief, I am developing a deep and abiding fondness for Wodehouse. More than I already had, of course.


Richard Beck of Experimental Theology recently wrote a series called The Theology of Johnny Cash, and it's beautiful:

Part 1: I Walk the Line
Part 2: Sinner and Saint
Part 3: The Man in Black
Part 4: Bitter Tears
Part 5: San Quentin, You've Been a Living Hell to Me
Part 6: I Will Let You Down, I Will Make You Hurt
Part 7: The Birth of the Man in Black
Part 8: A Whirlwind in the Thorn Tree


Festival schedule is up. Matt and I are running Midsummer Mischief, because Blandings. As for what I'm playing, I'm leaning towards Brockhurst and/or Blackfyre Rising. I'd be happy to just have one; I don't want to overload myself. I guess we'll see which.

link love, people that you meet, books, larp

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