Besides trying to get you all to come to Consequences ;)
- Had a gastroscopy yesterday to try to get to the cause of the on-again, off-again esophageal spasms I have. Unfortunately, they found a big fat nothing (although they did a biopsy; I guess that could always turn up something). Kind of annoying to have to miss a day of work, and have anesthesia, and sit on the couch watching trashy TV... wait, what am I complaining about again?
- Going to see the theater adaptation of Fritz Lang's "M" at the Huntington Theatre this weekend.
- Before that, a GM meeting/sleepover with Mel and Will (with special guests Alison and Alessandro).
- Lunch with new friends :)
- I continue editing my Viable Paradise application manuscript.
- Finally finished and sent in my character history for Cottington Woods. Are the GMs actually going to read it after all the work I put into it? Fucked if I know!
- Went shopping for a pattern and material for the pirate coat I'm making for Devil to Pay.
- Matt and I have been taking advantage of Bonus XP Weekends in SWTOR to level our Sniper/Mercenary pair.
We got a few levels on them this weekend, and are 36/37 and on Taris. Imp-side Taris is so much nicer than Pub-side, have to say that. But it could just be because we're blowing through it doing only the main planetary and class quests.
Also, having finished Alderaan, Val, my agent, now has Vector as her companion. Oh, how they get along--largely because he seems to like her acting like a good Imperial soldier, and that's a large portion of how I play her. I know, I know, I've talked before of my love for Kaliyo, and that's like the polar opposite of Vector but... they're both such interesting characters.
Great Kaliyo/Vector interaction: there's a point in time--I think it might be when you're all standing around the holocom being briefed for Taris--when Kaliyo makes one of her usual sociopathic comments about blowing everyone up or some such, to which Vector rejoins, in his usual mild-mannered tone, "Oh, Kaliyo. Always the conscience of our team."
And I guess I'll be romancing Vector, since he's pretty much the female agent romance option. Even if he is part of a hive mind of giant intelligent bugs. I really hope that if you progress the romance plot with him, he stops talking about himself as "we." That could be... really creepy.
And the chapter two plot! Oh, so good, and completely a surprise. Won't say more, as 'tis spoilery.
Matt and I were noting that both the agent and the bounty hunter get their third companion quite late, relatively--he's just met Torian (who I call Bieber, 'cause... have you seen his hair?), and I've just met Doctor Lokin. ("He's like a nicer mad scientist... I'm going to call him Krieger"). I know by this time with Jjaro I must have had Corso, Bowdaar, and Risha.
- Still listening to The Wise Man's Fear. Finally out of the Felurian parts. Thank god.
- Reading Elizabeth Bear's New Amsterdam, which is soooo good. Thanks to
skyknyt for recommending it.