I am feeling incredibly unmotivated to make my usual detailed con report. Maybe I'll feel more motivated later, but in the meantime, you get bullet points.
* I had a good time--every game I played in was good--but there were some distinctly unfun moments.
* Cracks ran well enough, though not so well as some previous runs. It was marred by some infuriating player drama in the middle of it, which I don't want to talk about because it will just make me angry again. If you really want to know, corner me on chat and offer me a sympathetic ear.
* I got deathly deathly ill on Saturday night--migraine, nausea, shaking uncontrollably, feeling faint--which I suspect may be do to dehydration/electrolyte imbalance, since the cure seemed to be water and Doritos, which suddenly became the most delicious thing ever.
* I came home with lots of Cadbury Dairy Milk, thanks to the ever-delightful
* I got pulled into playing Loot Council at the last minute, due to a drop, and actually quite enjoyed it, even though my WoW knowledge is several years out of date at this point.
* I met and was on several panels with Steve Balzac, who seemed surprised he was as much a LARP celebrity as he was. Also a very interesting guy to talk to!
* The Sound of Drums may have been the highlight of the con for me--it was beautiful, emotional, and immersive, while being not at all the type of game I typically play.
* The Man in Black was also quite good, although I wish I had not been so sick at the end of it.
* An Ecumenical Matter was silly fun. Perhaps the best part was wandering the hotel, en masse, dressed as priests and nuns, doing ridiculous Oirish accents, to wake up one of our missing players.
* I should not have tried to do something in every slot.
* Mel and Will remain the best folks ever
v_cat remain the best folks ever. I will miss them dearly when they move to Bellingham, WA next year.
* I am feeling more than a wee bit overdrawn at the feels bank. Time for some serious introvert time.