1. After getting the green dress home last night, Matt and I determined that while it's still awesome, and will no doubt come in handy at some later date, it is somewhat plain, and will require a lot of embellishment for it to be a good costume. So it will not be my second dress this weekend. In some sense, this is a relief. My $40 dress won't upstage my $700 dress, and I have a lot less to do.
2. I continue to listen to The Hero of Ages, the third Mistborn book. I'm about halfway through. The wonderfully complex magic system has grabbed my attention again, and I have Theories! I've been speculating at friends of mine that will listen...
3. I'm working on an interesting project at work. I can't say too much, but I will note it's a good challenge to me because it involves much more JavaScript than I've ever written previously. Writing a one-line jQuery statement to, say, remove a border from the last item in a list is one thing. Now I'm, like, writing functions.
I sometimes wonder: why the hell did they trust me to do this? I'm sure I'm writing terrible code, so I just try to document it as best as I can.
4. I continue to be greatly entertained by
my Johari. People think I'm sensible? Really? In what way? I like to think that I have no skills that have absolutely any application in a post-apocalyptic world.