Was so tired and blah all day. Got home, convinced I couldn't possibly force myself to work on LXHS edits. Made myself anyway, doing a final formatting run-through of Smoot and a first-pass run-through of Raffles. Now I'm awake and alive and... it's time to go to bed. Boo.
In other LXHS news: I lost a player. An already cast player, too - Madame Blavatsky. Le sigh. I am more blasé about this than I usually am, I guess, perhaps because there are four people on the waiting list. Alas, the four people on the waiting list are all men (let's call it a male-ing list, har har), and for reasons of romance plots, I'd prefer to cast a female in this role.
So. If you want to play in LXHS and can hie yourself to RPI in Troy, NY on April 29th at 6pm, and you have a vagina (or reasonable facsimile thereof),
go here and sign up. Ridiculous Russian accents are totally encouraged. This is a dingo-costume-optional event*.
That's it, folks. I'm going to go curl up in bed with my emo-homie Morpheus.