I'm gonna be an aunty!!! and all my banners.....all my stuff...need some organization!!!

Jan 08, 2005 21:44

Well Sarah has finally started her contractions...she's four days over (that's nothing...I went ten days over with Kay!) ...so I should know what brand it is soon hehehe...

Ummm...I bought a car today..went to the car auctions and sat on my hand but couldn't resist buying a crappy Nissan Bluebird *laughs ass off at self* for £190...but hey...it starts and it goes and is better than my Mondeo that just sits there looking at me as if I was the worst person in the world for wanting it to move!

Ummm I still need a different car though...something more reliable than a Nissan Bluebird from the dark ages methinks...

hmmmm I feel more positive lately...feel quite chipper in fact...dunno why...could be because me and Vix are making so many plans and I finally believe that something might actually happen for once.

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