:sings: I'm in the money...

Jul 15, 2004 12:39

So I just got back from my financial aid appointment, and I am so unbelievably relieved.  Both of my scholarships are guarenteed for this year!  I have that in writing too!  I am so incredibly pissed because I found out the cause of all my money drama lately, and it's so stupid I just can't believe it.  This month my school changed from a "college" into a "university."  However, all my paperwork and applications had been filed under the label of college, but they were processing everything with the label "university."  Their computer system denied my applications because it didn't think my school existed!  That's a bunch of bull shit.  I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut of for three weeks thinking I had lost a good chunk of the money that was going to help get me through the school year with a lesser amount of loans.  I've been on the phones to the school, the scholarship program, and my bank for hours on end trying to figure out what was causing the problem because I knew it wasn't on my end.  My GPA, my employment status, and my full time student standing had not changed--and those were the only qualifications for the scholarships.

Not that I'm complaining too much...I am really glad that everything is taken care of now and that I don't have to come up with this money in two months.  Now I don't have to worry about my first six months of rent either!  Happy happy joy joy...

Congrats to Jennifer Garner and Victor Garber on their Emmy noms.  I'm surprised that Alias got as many as they did (8)--probably as suprised as Melissa George that she didn't get nominated.  Snerk.  And that little article from JJ yesterday?  I know I'm in the vast minority who didn't have their JJ love restored but I yell a resounding "Duh!" in his general direction.  Joss Whedon has made me far too cynical for my own good.

I have my money!   
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