Dec 16, 2006 12:48
Aaaah! It's almost here, look... Just over there *points*
I have mixed feelings about this adventure...
Although it will be good to escape Sydney and this horrible burnt out feeling...
It's going to be very Armidale...
----> BooZe On The TrAin<----
Hells Yeah...
Laura, Oliver + Matt, and the Mother all in one tiny house....
Well it will give me time to think about things. Although I don't really think I need anymore time for that. It's all I seem to do lately. Shut up brain... Shutupshutupshutupshutupshutup.
Hopefully it will subside again.
There's nothing you can do.
It will be fine.
Herm... Focus on what's happening around you dammit... Louise's... Then Gina's... Then back to Bernard.
I believe that is the plan.
As soon as fatso wakes up.
Wake up! I'm bored....