Nov 06, 2007 00:01
About at the same moment the doors opened to deg gig I found a person who was selling two tickets to todays live. She was willing to get rid of them.
Okay they were giving away tickets for free the previous night, BUT I am a nice person and the one selling was sweet too so I paid 15€ for two (7,5€ each. 8DDDDDDDD)
so in the end we paid 25€ for three tickets!
anyways. I'm at niksu&laura at the afterparty.... "party" 8DDD
I am not feeling empty at all anymore! the gig was so much better than yesterday. Though they did not play as many songs I really really liked the band itself was WAY more into the gig themselves. I'm way too disturbed (by swedish from lauras youtube) to organize my thoughts.
But FUCK YEAH! I'm so glad I went there and I'm fucking glad I ended up paying 50e for both! (We forced ellu who had a horrible hangover to come with us. So we said it'd be 5€ for her. and 10€ for us. So I paid 75% less! and am now eating potatochips which have 50% less fat....... having a lessday or something.)