and moving on ...

Feb 17, 2008 10:29

yes I am distracting my brain from it's hamster wheel ....

Someone explain to me what happens to cookies after 2 or 3 days ... cause a lot of cookie recipes say they can be kept in an airtight container for 2 or 3 days (for example -, Do these things burst into flame like the mission impossible recordings? Do they just suddenly sprout mold after 72 hours? Now that I'm thinking about it, possibly I'm a little scared of what's in store bought cookies that makes them ok to sit around for weeks or months.


Today we shall see how crazy the neighbors think I am. I got a harness and leash yesterday for Mars (there are harnesses and leashes in a box somewhere in the garage, but it just seemed easier to stop by the pet store while I was at edgewood) because he keeps pressing his little cold nose to the glass by the door downstairs. So if I manage to get the harness on him, he'll be allowed on the other side of the door and expose me as the insane person I am. Will also make sure the camera is within hands reach in case there are any world's heaviest harness moments.

Becky feels certain that they will think they have moved into just the right place. Ha!

Today is also the 50th Daytona 500 ... so I'll be hanging out with the computer and making sure no one needs me. Which they won't, but still must make sure am available in case. So likely there will be cookies, or maybe cupcakes, to foist on co-workers. And hopefully a cleaner abode.
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