FFS (Put your flaps away!)

Feb 27, 2010 00:05

Lady Gaga leaving a hotel in London in the middle of the day (in winter no less)............................*sigh* im sure all of the women that fought for respect and equal rights are just so happy that us women have come this far........i truly fucking despair.

When did being a porn star become acceptable?
When did dressing like a hooker become fashionable?
When did starving ourselves become the done thing?
When did we roll over and allow one female image to be the only one to represent the masses?
Why do we idolise talentless nobody's with more money than brains, over those with integrity, intelligence and class?
When did sex and being sexual become 'empowering'?

I could go on and on. Dont get me wrong, i dont think there is anything wrong with being proud of yourself or your sexuality or body but i truly feel like we have gone too far. Kids are opening magazines that are listing the best sexual positions and 'how to please your man'......they're freakin 15!!! These people are role models and young girls are growing up thinking that this is the way to be, young boys are growing up thinking that all women should be bobble headed tarts with nothing to offer bar a blow job and the occasional giggle.

I dunno, i feel like such a whinging minny, and i dont mean this just directed at Lady Gaga as i do like some of her stuff, this picture just kind of set me off. I look at some people, moreso men and they just seem so effortlessly attractive, as in they are alluring or 'sexy' just for who they are not how much muscle of flesh they are showing. Why cant us women be confident enough to be the same? Yes.... wear clothes that you feel good in no matter how big or small, but it just seems these days the women walking around in nothing are just alluring because.....they are walking around in nothing.

I know there are women out there that do have wit and class, i think my gripe is more that the ones we seem to elevate the highest have none of these traits....which i find very sad.

Oh well.....im going to end this rant with a picture i spotted the other day which to me just represents effortless yum. Sexy with no tits out, no falsh eyelashes, no gallons of makeup, and no thong or stripper heels required.

Each to their own....this is just my opinion.

flaps out again

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