A worldy cookie

Jan 22, 2006 19:27

Frome Youth Council takes the biscuit as the best - and worst - thing in the world.
Many people dislike bins shaped as frogs, but here at the youth council we embrace such innovative ideas - and feel that cake sales are always the best path to go down when attempting to raise money.

Along with our tylamistic leader Tash, we have other made up words to describe our members, such as flarrgon. These words allow each member of the youth council to feel involved and as though they are part of an elite group; a group that has its own language, primarily used for insulting other members of the group or the town council behind their backs. Or occasionally to their faces.

Frome Youth Council carries a unique scent with it that makes the inhalant become extremely hyper and annoying to the other members. The most common methods of irritation are as follows: drawing on people; giggling in corners; talking or screaming over other members; throwing objects or food at other members; sticking things to the ceiling and coughing loudly whenever Tash tries to speak. Trying to steal the grant money by putting in holiday fund applications is also common practise. And then there is an end to this paragraph. Case closed.

This is a new paragraph.
FYC has a close relationship with Frome Town council supposedly. Occasionally, members of the town council - more commonly known as 'outsiders' - attend the youth council's meetings. They are generally not amused. Occasionally members of FYC - known as "hooligans" or "grievances" - attend meetings of the town council. They are never amused.

Members of the youth council enjoy bowling as a team-building exercise. While bowling, some members take part in hand wrestling tournaments with the responsible youth workers on the bowling alley floor. Contrary to popular belief, the responsible youth worker is not a trainee vicar.

FYC funds many projects in Frome that benefit young people, such as Music mayhem and, um music mayhem. Everyone loves music mayhem with it's little trashed 11 year olds who are actually 14 but look 3. 11. 311. 113. 131.

But everyone does not love it. Some members of FYC want to stop funding it. This is where the clique problem comes in. There are 3 main cliques in FYC. These are...the cool people, the crap people and the people who don't get involved. And there are two sub cliques; the leader complex clique and the twat clique, which are both half of the crap clique. The cool clique is quite simply cool with cool people and the crap clique is crap
The End.

But don’t we need to talk about erm…shoes, and the park and stuff?
Oh yeah

We like parks so we make them better in a pretty way. Over the last 2 million years we have been improving the park in Frome, which is where the FYC cloning experiments come in.

We clone small people to look like children playing in parks, in order to attract other small children to play in parks, and we also clone ourselves so we can continue with the park projects. And get tax reductions. Somehow.

We like money, we have a bank account which has plenty of pretty money in it; money smells good. If it is dirty. We use the money to give to people who will benefit us, but we've already covered that.
We're not allowed to give money to the park so we use sexual weapons to get supermarkets to sponsor it, which is why the park will soon have an asda climbing frame.

As members of such a prestigious organisation as the youth council, we pride ourselves on our strict dress code. Those who do not conform are removed from our presence with haste.
Well, that is one of our plans for the future. We want to make hats.

Some members of FYC are campaigning to bring back corporal punishment on short spiky people. We are pleased with our progress so far, and hope to have an act in place within seven weeks, allowing us to restrain such people with force.

Overall Frome Youth Council is a fantastic addition to the world because we're going to make hats and hit spiky people, and create a wonderful place for everyone to live and die in. But no one will ever die because of cloning.
And that is all.

it is all true. Kind of.
Went to Bristol today to pick up nannananana's puppies, they are soooooooooooooooooo cute! Aww. Too cute. I want them. Awww.

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I'm even more bored now. dammit.
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