She is risen...

Apr 24, 2011 17:02

Thought today might be an opportune time to resurface... popping up to "go live" with the 2011 Wish-List I'd posted in January, but had marked "private only" at the time, I believe intending to come back and perfect.

And so, at nearly the half-year mark..

"Taking inspiration - and possibly some outright bullet-points - from a post I saw on DesignBlahg, this year I've put together a wishlist of things I'd like to see happen in the next year.

* Streamline my online life (figure out what is worth my time and do more of that and what isn't and do less of that)
* Get strong and supple (yes, slimmer would be nice, too)
* Spend at least a week at the Jersey Shore (LBI rental in June?)
* Freshen up our foxtrot
* Redo our bathroom(s)
* Paint the baseboards
* Bring in someone to complete those lingering, nagging to-do's around the house
* Come up with a few more "go-to" recipes for day-to-day dinners
* Ask for and accept help ($, ideas, effort) on the projects that are important to me
* Get some CineKink "product" out into the world (shorts compilation DVD, t-shirts, merchandising!)
* Plant some Shasta daisies in the side beds
* Spend more time with my parents' photos/memorabilia/reminiscences, less time with financials/organization on my visits home
* Let go of "fixing"

Italics represent a verbatim lifting from the original post."
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