All This Since Monday: Dad, Job, School, Taxes, Move

Feb 19, 2010 06:25

This past month has been a bunch of news and events, a good deal of which seems to be coming to a head this week.

Dad: First his leg needs to be taken off and he'd rather die, then it might be healthy, then it needs to be taken off and that's ok because he wants to live, now it's a maybe and he wants a second opinion.

Honestly, I love that I'm kept informed on all this, but the roller coaster is driving me nuts. It seems that just when I am getting used to one scenario, the experts come out with a new one. I am so sick of that rehab center, I want dad to go home, and I want to have  break from smelling the place every other day.

Dad has been more motivated than I've seen him my whole life. He took 80 steps last week, and he was so proud, talking about being determined and working hard. This is a man who used to sleep till 1 p.m. and would be happy to watch TV all day.

Job: I went to Niche, I start working on the 2nd of March, about 24 hours a week, no weekends. Once schools out I will work full time. Very happy, but nervous.

School: I got into a masters in molecular diagnostics  program.  My dad is so excited that I'm "going to grad school".  It is slowly sinking in that that's what I've signed up for, it seems unreal, but I'm excited.  It's largely correspondence, but in January I will start a 6 month internship in Maryville TN (about half an hour outside of Knoxville).  If anyone knows the area, some background would be greatly appreciated.

Of course this also means I need to file my taxes, FAFSA, etc yesterday.  This isn't so easy as my W2's appeared to be lost in the mail, until I found out my mom had accidently taken them home.  I should get this done tomorrow, and I can hopefully file for financial aid before the deadline on March 1st.  Did I mention that due to a clerical error  I didn't find out I was accepted until Wednesday the 17th?

Apartment:  I'm moving.  As I'm no longer a student at UNC ( or attending classes there anyway)  Town House has lost it's main appeal for me.  The management change really didn't help.  They are pretty laid back and that my be the reason I got let out of the lease; it could also be the list of 4 incidents this last year that I believed were inexcusable.  The top of which was not giving us heat for a week in October.

Eli and I picked out a new place, and it has sparked a nesting instinct in us.  We got permission to plant a small flower bed out front.  This combined with a screened in porch & some urban gardening means that I'm going to try to have a full fledged garden this year.  With herbs, tomatoes, cukes, and some pretty flowers to boot.  At the moment I seem to be humoring both my science lab skills and my love for botany.   I'll probably try to walk both those paths for as long as I can.

We're moving Tuesday, rented a van and everything.  We should have internet by Friday.  I have a whimsical desire to paint at least one room in the place.  I think I just need to have one space that's full of color and bright.

Thing is, all these things going in at once, some sad, some great, all at once and the change is really starting put me in shock.  The past two days I've felt like someone slipped me expresso shots and I've been on edge, taping my feet, and not able to pay attention to much.  Tomorrow I'm gonna bundle up and just power walk on some trails, because this nervous energy only festers when I am sedentary, and I'm getting damn irritable right now.  I also need to go study for my anatomy test on Monday.


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