Oct 30, 2002 13:31
Oh God, I simply can't described how much I *hate* this song that's at number 1, which has to be one of the blandest, most boring, uninspiring, dreadful, *irritating* things I've ever heard IN MY LIFE!!! Rar!
I probably wouldn't be so bothered either except whenever I've been to the gym lately it's been on MTV and I don't even *listen* to it, I just see the video, and that Nelly idiot is *so* seedy and nasty and horrible looking and I'm just like 'She would so never fancy you! No one in their right mind would fancy you!' He's just disgusting, with his dodgy teeth and sticking plasters on his face *YUCK*.
Him and Justin Timberlake are the two 'Celebrities Who Make My Skin Crawl' for this month :)
I don't know what it is about Justin Timberlake precisely, other than the fact he has a wet mouth and looks about twelve and is trying to be Michael Jackson (I like the way everyone slags off the guy so much when he is obviously severely disturbed and then goes out and tries to copy him in music. Hmm).
But then I have had to watch his video at the gym as well and I object to that as well, purely for the reason that if some freak with a wet mouth and a woolly hat came up to you in a car park and started breathing all over you, you'd kick him in the shins and run wouldn't you? Yes I think so. I would. Not this woman though, oh no, not only does she go all swoony at him but she goes home with him so he can breath on her some more! Like that's ever gonna happen.
So yes, I needed to get that off my chest before the month was out ;)
Anyway, I am feeling much better today than what I have been since last week. Think new pill has kicked in (yay!) so the hormonal moodiness has lifted. I guess that might be why I've been feeling so tired this week, but that has got better now too. Helped along by the fact that my lecture was cancelled this morning, although we were supposed to make appointments to see the lecturer about our assignment instead, although nobody bothered to tell half of us this until 9.30 this morning *sigh*.
What else? Oh yes, I hate students. In a very non-personal, don't take offence, detached sort of sense. And I only hate them in Leeds, not having experienced other students at close hand. But I hate them. They all have far too much money and they all talk the same in a kind of indistinct-southern-not-quite-sure-whereabouts-I-don't-have-a-regional-accent-'cos-I'm-too-posh sort of way. And they fill up all the buses that go past my house because they're too damn lazy to walk up the hill to uni and they all have these in depth conversations about things that are completely meaningless and one in particular talked very loudly into her mobile on a full bus about how everyone up north hates each other and hates southerners 'And I don't know why, I mean we don't hate northerners do we? Or people from like Bristol...yeah...yeah it's *really strange*'. Oh aren't they quirky up north?
I wonder what happens to these oh so alternative, intellectual people when they leave university and get a job and have to get up in the mornings? They should do one of those studies that follows people over a few years and get Robert Winston to do a documentary on it or something. Or I could get my machine gun out...
I don't mean it really. I'm just jealous of people who have 14 hours a week and can get a job at the same time and party all week and do no work and don't have a clue what 5am looks like, except when they're coming at it drunk and can buy new clothes and go out to the pub and not feel like a scruff. Ho hum :)
Right, that's enough ranting for one day. Good afternoon to you all.