Jan 09, 2004 12:25
Hey, I'm updating! Craaaaazy! Well, lots of stuff has been going on. More than I care to talk about. I went to Connecticut/Vermont to visit the fam, exciting as always. I've been hanging around the house, reading Harry Potter (which was promptly ruined by my cousin in Connecticut) and I'm not that impressed with the book so far. Ah well. My dad's 50th birthday party is this Saturday, which should be exciting. I've gotta come up with a present for him....hmmmm. Then the ski trip! Woo! Should we start a cell phone number list? I'll add mine first- oh yeah, I don't have one. *bitterness* Seriously though, a list is cool.
I'm a little apprehensive about the skiing part of the ski trip, and I'm not sure why. I've done it once or twice now, but I dunno. It wasn't very much fun and I'm not that excited. I might just save myself some money and hang out in the lodge or pool while others ski. However my ability to give in to peer pressure on these things is quite amazing. We'll see.
Ooooh! I gotta get some pictures developed today, and I have NO IDEA whats on the roll. I lost my camera for a long period of time so it could be anything! I think its from the suite. If they came out, I'll bring them on the trip.
Finally, in response to Sara's post, now that my secret is out, BOW DOWN BEFORE MY GREATNESS OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES!!!!