prince charming farts in bed too

Oct 29, 2003 05:37

what has hapened to men in the past century? when did they suddenly stop being charming and gentelmen? i want to be wooed. i want a guy to try and win me over. but me flowers and tell me i am all he thinks of. wants to just hold me. (ok now i know u are yelling at ur moniter as u read this. i love u...we've talked about this..blah blah..i love what u do for me, but u know im not talking about u in any shape or form in this) anyways, now that i can go on with out jimmy thinking i am personally attacking him in this entry.
i think i blame all of womens false hopes on fairy tales. cinderella is a beautiful story. but somewhere in that story prince charming and cinderella should be dancing and he whispers into her ear..."hey wanna do it?" heh heh heh. or maybe "wow i can almost see down ur dress". lol. that sounds more realistic to me. they even stop the movie before they get to their honeymoon and good ol prince there is checking out the butt of other maidens. i dont really know where in going with this but it 6 am and i havent slept yet. i jsut want to find my own prince charming. im not going to settle for anything less. why should i? now that doesnt mean i only want to date mr.GQ poster boy. everyone likes different things in different people. i jsut want to find that guy that has everything i want. i wanna feel that tingle everytime he touches me. i have a list hidden where no one will find it. a list of qualities i like in a guy. maybe this sounds vain to u, or shallow, but it really helps me so i dotn make anymore wrong decisions in the game of dating. i know hes out there. i may already know him. i might have already dated him and we broke up over some stupid thing. well it hasnt happened yet for me. it will eventually, i just have to have the patcience. "just a lil patience". or maybe i am just delerious from lack of sleep. ironically the song "are u strong enough to be my man" came on. i love this song.
goodnight all
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