Nov 28, 2008 23:30
Thanksgiving was fun. We did it a day late because my great uncle-in-law Hank died... which was someone completely other than who I thought had died, so that caught me for a loop.
Anyway, thanksgiving was fun. And I have determined that I can actually, maybe, kinda help with the cooking. And maybe one day I can cook this tasty-ass-shit myself!
.... which was then followed by a huge fight between my sister and myself when I told her she needed to grow up a bit and stop barking orders at our mother... seeing as how she just cooked us an amazing thanksgiving dinner, where Kate slept until 2 or so. And it came to me actually crying because it makes me sad that I hate Kate when she gets like that... *shrug* I dunno what to do sometimes.
In other news, I'm looking at a bat-shit nuts January, and a crazy December to lead up to it... I don't think I got the show that I wanted so much... but thats almost okay, considering the festival (which so far I'm designing all of because I haven't found any designers to help) is immediately before that show. But it is sad.
The cottage is driving me batty with its sheer ineptitude. Their sheer ineptitude... somebody's sheer ineptitude. But hey... they pay me... mostly...