Jan 19, 2006 21:07
its strange how good things can come from bad or sad things. today was my nonna's funeral; i helped carry the casket and even read at the church later. i didnt cry once because i knew she was in a better place with no pain or suffering, well okey i cried once. only in the morning when they closed the casket and it was for good...my mom was crying too and she told me that, when i was born it was like my nonna had her little girl all over again (she had a daughter but in those times u couldnt afford doctors and plus they didnt know much. she ended up getting sick and at age 7 she died). so when my mom told me that i was balling. but what is strange is how i met a boy in the time that she was in the hospital and then passed. and now he's gonna help me finish my projects that are all due at the same time because i'm not able to do them for when they are actually due, which was yesterday and today, and i have have another to do as well for monday..i guess he's trying to be caring and get on my good side.