May 01, 2006 09:25
Things that kicked ass this weekend:
1. New job!
2. Winning the bout
3. New Piercing
So, the new job you all know about, hot topic, yay, wooooo, and such. Start May 8th.
The bout. My team kicked major ass, we ended up winning with the score 110-58. Basically we killllled the other team. After the first period the score was 49-11, I knew then that we were going to win. All my girls worked their asses off and impressed me so much. And my legs did not cramp until the very last jam, and at that point I did not care. We were sucking down mad electrolyte gel, and I think that was what made the difference. I feel so good about that night, everything just was perfect, except that I got punched in the face twice "accidentally".
As a reward to myself I got pierced on sunday. Went to see ms. Wendi, my derby wife and amazing piercer. I was just going to get a lip ring, in the center, but she talked me into an Ashley. To explain an ashley w/out a picture, it's a lip piercing that goes through the actual lip, is done with a curved barbell and the inside hole is probably where a labret hole would be. So I have a stud in the center of my bottom lip basically. HOT! She said it's a very unique piercing, I'm the second one she's done in 4 years of piercing, and she's only seen 20 or so on BME. I love it! And it didn't hurt as bad as I imagined.
Off to work, need to officially quit so I don't have to work in that hellhole anymore! Love!