Recently, Bryn's "Time & Money" book asked her to write the times for familiar things in her day. Here were her answers:
I get up at: 9:30am
I go to bed at: 10:00pm
Lunch is at: 12:30
Dinner is at: 6:30pm
School starts at: 10:00am
School ends at: 1:30
Recess is at: 2:00
I play at: All Day. Blla!
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In other news, our family has been very interested in foraging for wild food ever since we got hooked on the
River Cottage tv show from England.
Today we were visiting my parents' house and Jaron noticed several large mushrooms growing on the back lawn. We are understandably wary of eating wild mushrooms, but armed with the confidence inspired by River Cottage, we picked a bunch, then went to the library and got a Mushroom Identification book, found ours, and were happy to discover they were edible!
Unfortunately, I didn't think to take a picture of them before we fried them up and ate them with dinner. But here's what we found:
Shaggy Ink Cap Mushroom
This mushroom should be picked while young and white (before the edges turn black). It breaks down within a few hours and should be cooked as soon as possible after picking. We fried it in butter and garlic and it has a very tender, seafoody consistency. Kind of like a clam. But I read that it's really best in soups or sauces.
Check out the
River Cottage website for more info on naturally grown food.
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