I thought of my very own meme to do and I haven't stolen it from anyone! (that I know of anyway). If you'd like to, feel free to do this on your own blog. And if not, just enjoy this one.
I often wonder when I'm reading the comments on other people's blogs who the commenters are and how they came to be commenting in certain places. I wonder, are they real-life friends of the blogger? Someone they have an online friendship with? Just a drive-by?
So, here it is: Choose up to 5 people on your LJ Friends list (or if you don't use LJ, choose people who regularly comment on your blog) and tell a little about them (nothing they wouldn't want you to share, of course) and how they came to be your friend. Here are mine in alphabetical order, lest anyone think they were shoved to the back or front of the line unduly.
deena_s: Deena is a thirty-something mother of two from Minnesota and a beta at
Checkmated.com. I met her through email just two months ago when she was assigned to do some beta-reading for one of my fanfics. We hit it off right away and found we had a lot in common. She is a stellar person, runs an in-home daycare, has a healthy obsession with Ron Weasley ;), and is one of the only HP fandomers who actually comments on my blog.
elijahsback: Tyler actually blogs
here now. Tyler is a twenty-something poet, fresh out of college and looking for the job, the girl, the meaning of life. Not necessarily in that order. I've known him for a couple years now and he attends our church, ocassionally plays bass in the band, and rents one of our apartments in the house across the yard. I like reading his rants and esoteric thoughts, and look forward to the day he figures everything out...we should be in for a nice long run.
gauri_7: Bret is my bestest fandom friend and has an incredible gift for encouragement and insight into what makes people tick. She is a college freshman, but wise beyond her years. I first met her almost a year ago on the
FictionAlley Park forums when I was looking for someone to help me with my fanfiction novel. She graciously agreed to be my beta and we've been picking apart plotlines, arguing characterization, and sighing over romance ever since. She doesn't comment on my blog very often, but we keep in touch through IM or email on a regular basis.
mh: Margie doesn't have an LJ, but she comments here so regularly, I couldn't leave her out. I met her last year when she and her husband, George, were part of another congregation that merged with ours to create Artisan. They have become spiritual grandparents to us and are a tremendous encouragement as we attempt to plant this church and help it grow. Margie is a free spirit, an author, an artist, has a heart for children in worship, and her home is an open door to all. What's not to love?
sjaustinlj: Scott's real blog is
here, but he got an LJ login just so he wouldn't have to post anonymously anymore. Yay! I've known Scott for 13 years since he was 16 and my husband became his youth pastor in Southern Maine. He was an exceptional kid who grew into an even more exceptional adult and has become one of my closest friends. Now he lives with his
wife and
son in their multi-family house across the yard from ours and is on staff with Jason at Artisan Church as the Spiritual Formation Pastor. He is a great musician too and we often sing together. Scott and I both grew up in the Nazarene Church and have been known to exchange knowing glances across the room during discussions of holiness denominations and the resulting craziness thereof.
Well, I hope this has been entertaining and informative. I look forward to meeting some of your friends too!
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