Reality Living

Jan 01, 2014 20:31

This is more of a revelation than a resolution. Also, it was something I figured out about a month or so ago, but today seemed like a good day to write about it.

I don’t watch the popular tv shows, I don’t think I ever have, but I do watch tv -- more than I should I suppose. I tried to describe what I watch the most and it is reality tv contest type shows. It started with “Project Runway” and expanded to stuff like “So you think you can Dance,” “Face Off,” “Next Food Network Star,” and the like. I started to wonder why. I’m not, personally, interested in fashion, dancing, makeup, or cooking although I love watching the skill and creativity other people display in these areas. I don’t think the contest aspect of these shows is what draws me as I’m not really competitive. I came to the conclusion that I like the challenge aspect. I like seeing people face difficulties, confront them head on, and, more often than not, succeed in creating something awesome. Even when they fail, they usually have gone further in their creative and professional journey then they ever expected to.

So that is what I love about these shows. Watching people struggle and fight to reach their dreams. They aren’t afraid to put it all out there, in public, and give what they have to succeed. I need to do that. Not the tv part, obviously, but the challenge bit. The not being afraid to dream, spending time and effort to reach it -- or at least get closer.

Work hasn’t really challenged me for a while. My last job didn’t recognize the times I solved problems even the chief scientists (and other recognized geniuses) couldn’t. It isn’t that I wanted the recognition, but I wanted more of the fun work. Now that I’m finding my own work, it seems most people want a programer more than a math/signal processing guru. So I guess that I’m not working up to my potential -- but really, who is these days? I doubt those cleaning the restrooms at the public bus station are being intellectually stimulated, but they are feeding their families. We just all have to do what we can to bring in the money (and thankfully I enjoy what I do). But that is no excuse for not challenging myself by pushing my skills and creativity to the limits. Hence why I’ve been posting more about my adventures in engineering (and probably boring most of you).

So that is what I’m going to do, only more of it. I am going to challenge myself to do an make cool stuff. I’m thinking of starting a professional blog to save you all from my tech banter, but that, it itself, is a challenge.

Any chance I’ll be a fan favorite?
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