Flexible Squares
instruction; shortcut link
please make sure your journal is on S2, if not, kindly switch to it.
1. go to Journal Style under the Journal tab;
Journal Style2. under select a new theme, type in "Flexible Squares";
Choose a Theme3. click apply theme, i prefer choosing Grays for some odd reason :))
4. Ad placement may be "Between Entries" or "Horizontal"
5. Sidebar position may be on Left or Right
6. paste the CSS code on Custom CSS;
Custom CSS7. flick on the following...
a. Use layout's stylesheet(s) NO
b. Use layout's stylesheet(s) when including custom external stylesheet NO
c. Use external stylesheets YES
8. adjust the settings to your liking (sidebar and etc)
9. apply proper credits
1. go to your profile on your home navigation and click
edit profile2. under the Bio part, paste the code i provided above
3. edit the filler text and the links as you please
4. finally, click Save Changes at the bottom part of the page.
1. go to the
page where you edit the blurb
2. pick a photo from the given choices above
3. use this code...
4. paste your url inside the quotation marks... erase the put your image url here
it may look like this...
depends so refer to the post where you retrieved the codes