Oct 18, 2004 00:08
I would just like to say that the fucking Red Sox FINALLY just tied the Yankees in the fourth game...bottom of the 9th. THANK GOD!
Although they already fucked up engouh so they're gonna hve to just win the next three too...but whatever. At least if they win this they won't be such a fucking embarrasment. *sigh*
Anywhoooo A LOT has happened since I last updated...
Ummm I went to Canada how bout that for starters? And it was just AMAZING! The best time I've ever had pretty much. Being there with the 4 girls and just being able to go out and do whatever I wanted was awesome. I think it was by far the best weekend of my life...
Too bad I spent like 700 dollars there and just have no money now. But it was worth it I guess... ;)
I'd give details buuutt, as the saying goes, what happens in Canada stays in Canada...and basically I'm just far too embarrased to talk about it. LOL!
Ummm...Also I got hired at Gap. I start tomorrow...which is pretty excitinnnggg....so I can just make back the money I spent. The thing is I'm already working two nights this week, plus I always just have Wednesdays at The Voice...So it is going to get a bit stressful I think.
Friday I saw Mandy, and met her pirate, and he's fantastic. :D
Today me and Rox travelled to New Haven where we met Matt and saw Michelley FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE SHE WENT TO FLORIDA! *sigh* I am very exicted for her to return in January....
Also I had to write an obituary for my journalism class today and it was really just depressing. Just thought I'd throw that in there...
That is all, I must continue to do work...*sigh* Have a splendid evening all....