A few years ago, my daughter proudly held forth her school photo. Since those things can be hit or miss, we were both so happy with the way it turned out. She was entering that awkward girl phase but you couldn't tell by the picture.
She pointed to her gleaming, white teeth: "See, I AM brushing."
That had been an issue. Oh, my.
The photographer is around the block and I immediately went to order more for Christmas gifts, That's when I saw her photo proof. And a minute later, what an editing program could do. Gone: pimples, less than bright shiny teeth, even her hair lightened in some places and the fly-away hairs gone gone gone.
The other day, I saw several of her friends photos from this year. All had glowing skin, whiter than white teeth, and perfectly coiffed hair. These girls are beautiful young ladies but they were all photoshopped. WAY TOO MUCH.
Maybe that's why many of my daughter's friends can be seen taking a million pictures on cell phones and cameras and then deleting picture after picture because the teeth look "weird" or hair is a "mess."
Not a good thing.
Today, this camera caught my eye. Look at what it can do with just a press of a button.
Scroll down to see all 3 before and afters.
While all of this makes me feel a bit mad and sad that we can't be ourselves, I must admit part of me wishes I had that camera for my upcoming trip to Turks and Caicos.
I'm always the one that doesn't want my picture taken for various reasons. Maybe a photoshopped-type of picture is better than no picture at all?