My kids own every Little House season on DVD. I can't tell you how much they love the series. So much so that several years ago, they wrote and put on a play with some neighborhood friends in our yard.
Although the last child had to be cropped for the web and her hair is dark, I'm sure you can see she's a dead wringer for Nellie with those curls. The first girl played Mary, Sarah played Laura, and Matthew played Pa, Willie, Albert and Adam. (He's quite the talent!)
So seeing Little House at the Paper Mill Playhouse was thrilling yesterday. Sure, they've seen other versions before. What made THIS ONE extra special? Melissa Gilbert played the role of Ma. It was amazing! (Although a bit jarring near the end when they showed grown up Laura in scenes with Ma. Hard to tell them apart! I kept thinking Melissa/Ma was still Laura. On a side note, Melissa's son played Willie. A family affair!
It was an excellent production. Melissa, along with the new Laura, got well-deserved standing ovations. I was awed by the singing voices of Laura, Mary and Carrie. Beautiful! Melissa's was pale in comparison but she's not a singer. (Although she's a good dancer!) That being said, her performance was magical and she proved that she's still a spunky Laura/Half Pint deep down.
If you love Little House, visit Jama's wonderful blog for another dose of Little House love!