I"m here!

Jul 18, 2003 23:52

In response to a couple people who haven't heard from me...I"m here. Went to North Carolina for a beach week which was awesome at times, and bad at times, but one new friend and a closer friendship resulted. Then, I started working! Yay for being a Starbucks barista. And I found out they are a really good company, and not just a huge corporation. Really changed my opinion.
Tonight, I went against some bitterness and gave a friend a second chance...I think I'm glad I did. Hopefully I'm glad I did.
I've been so happy lately...things are falling better into place, even better than before. My mom and I are getting closer, I'm trying wiht my dad...that's a feat to attempt!! My sister's happy with her life too, god, her voice when she got home from Alaska...she was loopy and high on life.
This summer is turning into the time of my life...certain aspects of my life that i thought too good to be true are...I don't know how to explain this one, but I know what I want now. I'm so happy, and realizing I don't deserve it. And wondering what I did to get such a great guy too...must do something awesome for my man. I think I've taken him for granted the past week...not sure...any ideas for super sweet things to do for the boyfriend?

KEARA! I'm taking Russian 101! How tight is that? hehe, yay, my roomie will be my tutor. (kinda whether she wants to or not) ummm....call me girl.

I think i'm headed to Ray's rocket launch tomorrow...I've missed him. College without him will be hard.

I'm off to read my magazine...it's a lot of fluff, but I'm sick of looking up words in Galileo's Daughter. Must call monica to borrow that firebird book from her.....things to do! Anyone else realize the summer's flying? =)
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