May 16, 2006 14:56
I miss Fweddy
Well, I am "un"officially in Falls Church. I say unofficially because I'm not calling it official until I move into an apartment. I am sitting here in a book store's cafe, all the stuff I own is in the U-haul, and I get to meet Valia (hopefully my new roommate) at 6pm.
I miss Fweddy
I got the U-haul at 8am Monday morning and packed the whole thing myself in the rain (except for my computer desk which Dan and Vicki so graciously packed for me). The ride down to Baltimore yesterday was really simple and it went real fast. It helped that I did not have to do the ride alone. Vicki came with me and I couldn't have been more pleased. Vicki and I had dinner with Pam, and emediately following my pizza I became very unsocialable and fell asleep. After Vicki's pa picked her up, I fell asleep again. Then I woke up to snuggle with Miles (and practically fall asleep). Snuggle time with Miles is always the bestest. This morning I had breakfast with Melissa and then slowly got showered and ready to head down to where I am now.
I miss Fweddy
Driving the U-haul is super fun. I now know that even though I joked about it before, when I retire I am totally going to drive the equipment truck for a drum and bugle corps. I am super cute behind the wheel, and you should have seen me back the truck up into my front yard yesterday. Professionals couldn't have done it any better.
I miss Fweddy
I guess that's all I have to say for now.
Hopefully my next entry will be done from my own bedroom...
I miss Fweddy
I love you all and miss you like woah.
Lisa Marie
I miss Fweddy