(no subject)

May 14, 2009 09:14

Ugh. I got an email from the cable company this morning telling me they couldn't process my payment. Now, I set up online billing and automatic payments just last month, and in an effort to keep them from jacking up the price without me noticing, I put a limit on how much they could take. Meanwhile, I made a manual payment for the currently due bill.

The reason they couldn't process my payment was that my bill was double. What! So I went to the website. On the "My Account" page, there's my payment, processed 5/2, for the regular amount. I went and looked at the bill itself, and no payment had been applied.

At this point I went to my bank, and checked to see if money had changed hands. And it had not! It never paid my bill, it never told me it never paid my bill, and it even left the payment sitting on the website as if it had happened!

I called and complained, but she was all, "so do you want to make a payment over the phone?" Helpful, lady.

I told it to make the payment, it'll apparently try on Monday. Crappy website.

I get more and more irritated with Cablevision every year. They still call me every month to ask why I don't use their TV and phone service. All I need is Internet, leave me alone.

Sadly, they're about the only game in town. No phone lines means no DSL. AT&T can apparently manage that, but not to our house. I just checked. (Does work at my parents' house two towns over, though.) And I'm not so angry yet that I'd go to satellite. Although it might be more reliable, the way I've been disconnecting lately.
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