If you guessed right, congrats. Only a few of you did, but those who did guess, were correct
1. You have such a potty mouth. You are tough but always for good reason. Our friendship has been through a lot, and I’m glad we are close, because I love you. Kim,
anfgrly33 2. You live too far away for me to see your band play, but I totally would go if you were local. And you have George Bush, we’d get along great! Kyle,
groovecentric 3. Your posts are always really long, but I always read them, because you are so smart and sooo funny. Jamie,
aquariusgrl1824. I saw you once in front of a liquor store in my boring city. I think you are hilarious, and I love your frequent posts. You are genuine and have a good heart.John,
badboyjohn5. God. So many things I can say. I love you? You complete me? You are my sister. Your life is more important to me than my own. Oh, and Ryan and Matt are hot. Amy, duh!
amyxnicole6. I have no idea who you are. (This can go for like 5 people)
velvetanglflesh7. You hate George Bush and talking about MENSTRUATION. I think you are so funny, very smart, and really kind. You have a lot on your mind, and I wish you peace of mind and a hot chick to bone. (And to love.) Craig,
jewcrew228. Your posts are always straight, short, to the point. You have the best name on Earth. You seem logical and kind-hearted. Lisa,
letsmakeoutnow9. You were in Europe for so long, I think you acquired an accent. We haven’t talked much lately, we play AIM tag a lot. Rob,
to0n10. You living in SD is way too close for us not to hit some bars.Tim,
zoopunk11. This person ... I swam in the ocean in my clothes once, and you totally blew me off. Remember that? What a nice guy you aren’t. Why are you on my list? Blake,
donthateemo12. I don’t know you well, I wish you would post more often, but I like when you do. You are good friends with Amy, that is how I know you. When you comment it’s always nice :) Jon,
darksidevg13. All your posts are about going to shows. I’m jealous. Dustin,
afireinside221014. I think you are a shallow friend. Not in a funny way. I’m serious. You are selfish and you are a drama queen. You think everything happens to you. If someone gets hurt in a car accident, you knew them. If someone got hurt, you were the one to hear their dying words, and you lied over their dead bleeding body, you fucking selfish queen. Jonna,
jonnawalsh15. You have good icons, and your posts crack me up. I don’t know much about you, but you know Amy. Matt,