Sep 16, 2013 19:43
Once again, I need some extraordinary help. I hate to have to keep asking as so many of you have been incredibly generous in the past few years, especially ElfS & OmahaS, and Dedrick Jensen-Woodard & Gwendolyn Jensen-Woodard, who've even gone so far as to give me a roof among other assistance. I honestly would have been on the streets without them. I hope all of you who've helped me in one manner or another do understand how truly grateful I am for all of it, even the littlest things (which aren't all that little when you get down to it).
Meanwhile, the help I now need:
I need help finding money and labor to move. It will be around the end of October. I have at least 2 pieces of furniture still that might take as many as 3 people to maneuver (sorry guys, given how traumatic moving is for me, I don't actually remember how many it took for you to move my buffet and cedar chest). I also need $250 for a small truck from Auburn to Shoreline and the gas for it. I'm looking into CCS and other possibilities, but one agency has already stated that they don't help for this kind of thing.
George P Burdell III once suggested that I set up a PayPal account. If you can help even a little with money please follow the link below (George, could you please deposit $1 as a test to make sure I did this right?). If I have any left after my moving expenses are taken care of I intend to give the difference to Rick and Gwen as they too will need all the help they can get when looking for a new place in January.
And if you can't help with money, or labor to haul my crap one more time, I would dearly appreciate any prayers and good wishes you can send my way.
Thanks again all you lovely people! I do love and appreciate you all.