The new Rage in Eating Disorders

Jan 13, 2006 12:53

Ok, so ive come to the realization that i have an extremely odd mind... this might not be a newsflash to some, but still, I had an epiphany.

yesterday, I had a consultation with an oral surgeon about my wisdom teeth getting taken out on tuesday. He informed me that because both of my lower wisdom teeth are in the nerve line of my jaw there is a possibility that some of the nerves can be damaged or hurt. The nerves for your tongue and lower lip are in this region... he said there is a slight possibility that my sense of taste may never be the same again. Yes, he said SLIGHT, but still there is a possibility!

So, i was thinking out loud with my sister yesterday, and thinking how much it would just SUCK living without my sense of taste! I mean, one of the great pleasures in life is TASTE! I LOVE food! Oh the horror.

Then I started thinking... Why do bulemics even swallow their food? They can have all the pleasure of the tasty goodness of food and just spit it out! Why put your body through that horrific purging process and risk the esophogal damage?

So, I decided to invent a new eating disorder. It goes like this:
You see, I could never be anorexic cuz i love food. I could also never be bulemic cuz i hate throwing up. SO! Why not just eat as much as you want, but never swallow? Chew it up, enjoy all the flavor, and then spit it out! Its the best of both worlds! Dont deprive yourself of food, eat it up, without the barfing.
I call it, Taster's Choice. Cuz you can choose if you wanna swallow or not.

I cant believe no one thought of this yet.
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