'Cause all I think is how I wanna be your fever

Aug 05, 2006 17:50

I like really need ot update about my life.

Well, I've been in Sharon since Tues at about noon.
My mom is sick (if you want all the TMI-rrific details, I'll tell you) and so I had to get off work for the rest of the week and come home.
Tues was such a mess.
She went to teh doctor about 2 and that was the last Mark and I saw of her for that day because she went to the hospital.
She had emergency surgery that night and because she had been losing so much blood over the past while, she had 2 pints of blood transfusion the next day.
She ended up being in the hospital for 2 days total.

She's home now and doign better, but she still can't do much of anything.
She's getting tired of being on the couch all the time, which is a good sign I guess.

But anyway, back to Tues.
Mark had strep throat so I took him to teh doctor and got him his prescription and took care of him.
Handled two minor crises while high.
Props to me.

Anddd yeah.

Thurs I went to Mishi's for shark week.
We hardly watched and shark week, fucking surivivors of shark attacks is so fucking boring.
If I wanted to watch stupid people talk, I'd turn on something other than shark week.
Thanks, Discovery Channel.

Anyway, we got wicked baked.

Journey was supposed to call me and he didn't.
Maybe because he knew I was high?
Whatever, he would've called at like midnight probablyish-- at which time I was NOT high.

So then Friday happened.
I went to Drea's and stayed for liek an hour.
All I did was walk around awkwardly and get high.
In my eyes, it was a failure as a good time.
Great party, I just wasn't into it.

I haven't been feeling very sociable lately.

Okay, adjust that:
I've been feeling plenty sociable when I WANT to and I want to see YOU.
But if I'm not feeling that way towards whoever is talking ot me...
It's so not happening.

So I love it when people IM me, but not when they IM me everyfuckingtime they're online.

Not that anyone who reads this does that.
Well, you might read this?
I don't know who reads this.
But anyway.
It's annoying.
Don't IM me a lot.

Which isn't a problem for most of you.
Since I think I see an average of 2 windows per day because I'm so not sociable and so no one IMs me.

Moving on...
So I'd rather be dumb and pretty than smart and ugly.
And when I say smart, I mean like Bill Gates or Einstein or Nobel Prize smart.
Not just like "Oh, I went to Harvard" (FUCK YOU MS. WHALL, YOU'RE SUCH A DOUCHEBAG AND YOU ONLY GOT IN ON A TRANSFER.) smart. I mean liek REALLY smart.
I'd honestly rather be pretty and stupid.

Instead I'm sorta smart and sorta pretty.
Which some would say is better than either of the previous options.

I'm not so sure.
At least if I was wicked dumb I could be blissfully ignorant and happy.
Mmmm ignorance.

Soooooo my love life.
What you all love to hear about.
Well, I still don't really have one.
I suppose Journey and I are making another go at it?
But who knows how well that will go.
Neither of us has the money to see the other.
Adn I haven't talked to him in like three days.
So who the hell knows what's going down with that.

Other than that, I have no love or sex life because I never do anything.


Well, actually last night when I was really baked I had a great orgasm.
But it doesn't count becuase I was alone and not even creative about it.

So yeah.
And I like this picture:

I really like a lot of photos from that set.
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