OK, I have a busy day, so forgive the sloppy post, I'll clean it up later.
After reading that the WGA and AMPTP agreed to resume formal negotiations on November 26, I checked
United Hollywood and they are bolstering the resolve of the strike captains (bolding is mine):
The effort and energy and resolve of the strike captains and teams, on the line, in headquarters, on location, and out in the community including the blogosphere has had a tremendous impact, and been instrumental in bringing the companies back to the bargaining table. Congratulations! Of course, going back to the table is an important step; but we must not allow our effort and creativity to wane. The strike must continue and we must continue to increase our impact and message to get the best possible deal for writers and for others who will benefit from our struggle, including actors, directors, drivers, crew, etc.
So, if you have been putting off writing those letters, (I admit I have) don't put it off any longer. I pledge to get a letter in the mail to NBC/Jeff Zucker on Monday. Sharky & I are working on a (very little) something to recognize MTT'ers who have supported the WGA cause, and I would love to be able to recognize 50 MTT'ers for writing at least one letter or postcard. (That's only 10% of the registered members)
Here is the link to the postcards you can send:
Postcard Campaign with Address ListA list of studio addresses for letters:
List of Studio Addresses ALSO --
read this letter from the mods of
wga_supporters -- yes, WGA folks HAVE been reading that community, and are in communication with the mods. And the fans & viewers can make a difference, but it is so important that we coordinate our efforts so we viewers and fans support the WGA strategies. "Precision and thoughtfulness are more important than haste."
WGA Official Siteunitedhollywood.blogspot.comstrikenotes.blogspot.com wga_supporters fans4writers.com Postcard Campaign with Address List List of Studio Addresses A Contact List WGA's List of Phone Contacts (These *really* work.)YouTube's "Why We Fight" video