September calendar: It's a date!

Sep 05, 2007 21:38

So -- everyone have a nice summer? Yeah?
Have fun? Go to swim camp?, eat sno-cones?, pony rides? yeah?
Well, summer's over! Time to get back to work! [/Dwight]

Sorry for the delay, but I finally got a few moments to myself to pull this month's calendar together -- this is especially for my buddies on the MTT message boards.  It's a pleasure to spend quality time in the nuthouse with y'all.

If you can tear yourself away from your S3 DVD's long enough to download and print, I'd recommend the PDF format (6MB).  I also recommend using 8.5" x 11" photo paper and the highest quality print settings your printer will allow.

Printable jpg (8.5 x 11", 1.8 MB)
PDF (8.5 x 11", file size 6MB)

I may do desktop calendars later on if y'all want them -- just leave me a comment to let me know what format you want.

Disclaimer: this nifty calendar is strictly for personal use. All these images remain the property of NBC/Universal. No copyright infringement is intended.
Please leave a comment if you download either version. I'd like to know if anyone is using these calendars and what formats are preferred. Or better yet, send me a friend request and get notified whenever new calendar pages are posted.  Thanks!

calendar, the office

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