Yippie! My wedding pictures are now online.
Of course I have to preface this by saying that the ones of me in the morning sans any makeup and on 4 hours sleep are NOT pretty.
But other than that we just love them!
Anyway, if you want to see them you can follow this link:
enter dusapin as the last name and user ID (all lower case)
and newcastle as the password (again, all lower case)
We have picked out our favorites already, but there are too many to list. Actually, Dustin's favorite is on the front page with us in sunglasses. My favorite is in the last section, #5064 (yes, I have a strange sense of humor).
Life is going....
We still have Lilo. It's getting better, but the cat still absolutely hates her. We are hoping that it will get better.
Here is a new picture of her:
I'm still trying to figure out where I am going to work now. That is probably the most frustrating thing for us. I know that we want to move, but it's not feasable right now. So I have to figure out what to do. It seems as if every job I see that I would like, I don't have the right kind of "experience" for. Ugh. I'll figure it out.
Ok kids, I'm going to put on some PJ's and spend the rest of the night curled up on the couch with my husband. (God that still sounds SO weird!)