
Oct 06, 2003 09:54

Weekends are weird now that I'm working. I'm used to having the entire weekend with Dustin, but now I'm cut down to Friday night, Sat. night and all day Sunday. It's nice though, he gets some time to do things he wants to do. He and Dad have gone golfing a few times, he's been to the driving range, etc. I think he's having fun which is good.

We used to go out almost every weekend, now we find ourselves staying at home more, watching Trading Spaces and What not to Wear. I feel like we are an old married couple. That's ok though, it's actually nice to stay home sometimes. The scary thing is that we have also gone to the casino with Mom and Dad the past 2 weekends in a row! Now we really are getting old. Actually it's kind of fun, we go for a few hours then do our own thing.

So as much as I have bitched about Curves in the past, I think I am going to join tomorrow. I really want to start working out again, but going to the gym just isn't working for me. First of all, it takes 20 minutes to get to my gym. Then I normally work out for around an hour and a half. Then 20 minutes home. This comes to a grand total of over 2 hours. That's a lot of time just for the gym. Curves is less than 1 mile from my house. I could walk there, workout, walk back, and still be in an hour less than if I went to the other gym. We'll see how it goes. At least I'll be doing something, and something is better than nothing! I have an appt. there tomorrow morning.

I need to go to the mall tonight or tomorrow and buy some pants. I wear the same 2 pairs of pants to work all the time and I think it would be good to get a couple more. I'm hoping that Miss Cristin will meet me there sometime....if you are reading this, I miss you! Let me know what your schedule is like.

Ok, I'm going to get ready. I'm meeting a friend of mine for lunch at Pyramid downtown. It should be fun!
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