I have good friends.
* Today I was completely draggin' because I worked myself to the bone on Thursday (14 hours straight baby!), and then made the silly choice to go see Knocked Up with Kat at 12:30 (AM), only to finally collapse into bed at 3:30 am. (Luckily, the movie was great, so it was totally worth it!)
Obviously then, when I got up for my 8 am class, I was a little more than tired. It was the last day of my ceramics class, and we had just gotten all of our pieces out of the kiln and laid out on the table, when I look up, and who do I see?? Mr. Erik Brakke making a special coffee delivery just for me.
It was awesome.
* THEN tonight, after another very productive evening at work (Note: I said evening, because the afternoon was for the most part, not so productive!), Kat came home and helped my organize my MESS of a room. (Seriously, I've been keeping myself SO busy, that despite the fact that I've been longing to find the time to clean and organize my room for over a month, with a To Do list a mile long, it just kept getting bumped farther and farther down the list!) It was BAD.
And now it's not!!!! Because Kat is awesome, and helped me stay motivated to do just a little more, and just a little more, and NOW I can see the floor! I have two very full boxes of clothes to take to Stuff! And I can finally stretch my legs and breath again. It too, was awesome.
And now, now, that I have finally found somet time to get to just a few of those things at the bottom of my list (such as, "Clean Room" and "Freakin' Blog Already!"), I can go to bed. Goodnight friends!