Welcome back to the Calypso Island Legacy. The O'Keefe household is a crowded one and with our Founder, Ainsley, her husband Gerard, and their six children in house there is always something happening there. Ainsley's children- Bennett, Braden, Bishop, Brianne, Blake and Benedict- are all now teenagers and our Founder is getting ready to pass the Legacy title on to one of them.
But first...
"You're still not irked about the Pleasure/Grilled Cheese thing are you?"
Yes, Benedict, I'm still unhappy about the Pleasure/Grilled Cheese thing. You have no idea how much I hate the Pleasure aspiration. It makes me seriously cranky. And Grilled Cheese on top of Pleasure??? Do you see my eye twitching?
"It'll be fine. Just try to be mellow and go with it. Just help me find a girlfriend early so I can work on those 50 Dream Dates and kick back about the rest. Who knows, maybe you'll learn some cool new stuff- like did you know that even though the grilled cheese sandwich is a favorite in the Coalition of Sim Nations and in the United States, it actually originated in France in the early part of the twentieth century?"
Nooooooooooooo.... No, No, No!!!
Somebody else distract me please! Bennett, how about you call Mabel and finally go on your first date?
"But... I was going to work on getting some more points in creativity..."
Braden, Bishop?
"Ummm, we're working on the car right now!!!"
How about Blake or Brianne? Where are they?
"I think Blake's at work. Brianne is out in the tree house thinking up new ways to stalk Cornelius."
"Shut up, you jerk! I am not! I'm studying cooking because it'll get me a scholarship, not because Cornelius eats with us every now and then and I want to impress him with my cooking!"
A kind of quiet moment, just when I was wanting a little craziness... Figures!
There is always a lot happening in the O'Keefe home, but some days are a little more active than others. Bishop's "Girls I Love" count of two went up to three when townie Zoey Wheeler came home from school with Brianne one day. She and Bishop have two bolts of chemistry and she's not at all shy, walking up and flirting and kissing on him all on her own. I can't remember who goosed who here, but his brother and sister were so embarrassed. Something I found very interesting is that of Bishop's three girlfriends Zoey is the only one he has even shown a specific face want for when not out on an actual date- might be worth keeping an eye on them just for that fact alone.
Benedict's lifetime want of 50 Dream Dates became an issue for a short time when it became apparent that both he and Bishop were attracted to the same type of girls- matching 2 bolt chemistry in pretty much every situation. I have to admit I felt bad for Benedict- it's hard when you are the youngest brother of a romancer who shares your taste in girls and who has already flirted with most of them. When pretty townie Katie Ross came home with Braden from school one day I was worried that the brothers were going to come to blows over who would be allowed to flirt with her first.
"Hey Bishop... Maybe you can come over here and talk to me."
Bishop, go talk with Blake and leave her alone! Benedict likes her too and unlike the other trio of young ladies that regularly show up at the house you haven't already kissed this one yet so there's no "asking out a girl your brother has made out with" weirdness involved! Shoo!
"Uh... Katie, would you maybe some day soon want to help me get my very first dream date?
Cute, cute, cute... His first kiss and dream date 1/50.
Bishop, what's the matter with you? Not sulking because your brother got the girl?
"Uggg, no. He can have her. I'll behave. I'm just tired. Was out late last night with Zoey and I'm still wiped out."
"I need more sleep!"
Poor Bishop. Go to school and you can nap when you get home. Maybe from now on you'll save your sneaking out for days when there is no school the next day.
The count down to the oldest twins departure to Sim State is getting down to the wire. Only a few more days of teen-hood for them!
Hey Bennett, are you ever planning on asking Mabel out on a date? You are running out of time.
"I'm getting logic points right now. I'll call her later."
Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it. You are so going away to college without a first kiss memory in place!
"He's missing out! Me and Lucy have a blast on dates. Bowling, going to the beach, doing karaoke together. The kissing is nice too."
I've got to say that as a whole the O'Keefe boys must be pretty good kissers if the dream date rewards the girls leave are anything to rate them on. Bishop has gotten a piano and a dance sphere. Braden's got an expensive stereo and Katie brought Benedict a fancy sculpture after their second date.
The front porch is a busy place some nights.
"Which one are you here for?"
"Benedict. You?"
Blake, you doing okay? You are so quiet. You're not feeling left out are you? I know that you and Benedict used to spend all kinds of time together...
"Nah, I'm happy he found Katie."
"I've been spending a little time getting to know Roy, our paper delivery guy. I think I like him."
"It's so unfair. Everybody has somebody, except me because of that teen/adult thing! Well, not Bennett, but that's because he's a boring, geeky idiot. All I have is my books and my garden to keep me occupied. I hate my life."
Try to look at the bright side- you've got almost all the skill based college scholarships covered and pretty soon you won't ever have to plant another tomato unless you actually want one. You and Braden are by far the most prepared to take over the Legacy at this point which scores you points in the heir selection. That should make you happy, right?
"You are totally NOT helping... Can't you just change the rules? "
Nope, sorry kid. It is out of my control.
To cheer Brianne up, Ainsley took her out to the day spa for a little pampering and a makeover.
"Maybe something to make me look older?"
"It was cute. Your daughter talked the whole time she was in here about some older boy she likes.She seemed really excited for him to see her new hair cut."
"Trust me, I know ALL about it. She even wants to go to college early so she can be with him. "
Nobody was surprised to see Cornelius wander by the house later that day. The poor guy just can't stay away. I'm telling you, 3 bolts for sure.
"You look really pretty, Bri. And I wish... Um, I wish I could, but I can't stay..."
"Just you wait, Cornelius Hayes. One day you will be mine..."
"She is so over the top for that guy that she totally forgot we're leaving tonight."
Yep, it is time for the oldest O'Keefe twins to head off to college!
"Mom, the taxi is coming. Time to make up your mind. Who is the second generation heir going to be? "
"Who is she going to pick???"
It's time for a vote!!!