The Calypso Island Legacy, Chapter 14- Sim State, Gen 2, Part 4

Feb 10, 2015 00:12

Welcome back to the Calypso Island Legacy!

I know what you are thinking- "What? Can it really be an update? No way!"

Yes, it is a Legacy update. Yes, I totally suck at getting updates out in a timely manner. Yes, I will try to do better. Try being the key word.  No promises though. I am the first to admit that I am easily distracted by so many things- books (so many books!), my kids & hubby, my cat, and there is Facebook, and... Well, you get the picture.

So in the last chapter our 2nd generation Legacy heir, Bishop, moved home from college, got a job in the Athletic track so he could hit his career based lifetime want, and, bucking against his romace aspiration, asked his college girlfriend Sydney to marry him "someday". He and Sydney then proceeded to fall victim to risky woohoo and Sydney got pregnant (with TWINS) so that the "someday" part of his proposal ended up turning into a hurried, "as soon as possible" wedding so that the babies would officially be O'Keefes when they were born. Sydney gave birth to Cade and Campbell O'Keefe, the first official 3rd generation heir possibilities, the same night that she and Bishop got married. Legacy Founder, Ainsley was over the top happy to have babies back in her house again, as was her husband Gerard who fulfilled his lifetime want of having 6 grandkids when Cade and Campbell were born.

And that brings us up to date and sends us back to Sim State University for the LAST college rotation of the 2nd Generation- Woot!
I will not be sad to see the last of the college campus for a little while!

Benedict, what are you doing?
"Duh. I'm juggling. What does it look like I'm doing?"
I... ~twitch~
"So anyway, I have got to tell you that I miss Katie, but I really like living in the Legacy rental instead of the dorm. You can run around in your underwear 24/7, nobody gives you the stink eye if you jump on the sofa, and you can make grilled cheese whenever you want."
I thought we got rid of that grilled cheese obsession when you re-rolled for your secondary aspiration.
"Just because you decided to roll the aspiration away doesn't mean that I don't still totally crave the sandwich sometimes. The fact is I like grilled cheese. Grilled cheese is awesome."

So... sim college drags something fierce after awhile. Not to downplay the younger twins college experience, but honestly when you are kids number 5 and 6 from the same family to go away to university in a row, it is a case of a whole lotta the same old thing- studying, papers, cheerleaders and mascotts dropping by, going to class, etc, etc.


Even Carlton, the campus streaker, loses his shock value after 4 university rotations.

"Carlton, go put on some damn clothes. Nobody wants to see that thing anymore!"

To break up the 'been there, done that' monotony, there were leaves to play in and stars to discover.

Trips to the bowling alley to play a few frames and sing karaoke,

and to have slightly uncomfortable encounters with Blake's ex, Roy.

The twins threw a couple parties and they managed to be roof raisers even though half of their guests would stop whatever fun thing they were doing to pull homework out. Come on, people! There is no doing homework at a party!

Benedict and Katie went on dates often so they could add to Ben's '50 Dream Date' lifetime want total.
Sometimes they went alone, sometimes they dragged Blake and Phil along with them.

Benedict scored a Legacy first- first to have a vampire "Bleh, Bleh" at you.

We're going to have to keep an eye out on the Contessa in the future.
She might be interested in there being more vampires in town than just her and the Count.

She's been very forward with a number of the sims at the club. She walked right up and "bleh-ed" at Benedict, and then kind of stalked him and Katie around the place, and then when she left the building I caught her chit-chatting with Edith, one of the teenage townies who was out way after she should have been home in bed.

For Pete's sake, Edith! Didn't anybody back at the Townie Cave tell you to NOT talk to random mysterious strangers? Late at night? On an empty street? When they have pointy teeth and red eyes???

Yeah... not wanting any more vampires at this time.

Dream Date gifts continue to amuse me. The O'Keefes have recieved pianos, TVs, stereos, sculptures, lamps...

I can just imagine how poor Phil must have felt when he snuck up on to the porch and saw that Katie had left behind the exact same thing he was dropping off.
"Man! The guy at the Dream Date Gift Shop told me that these were special and rare!!!"

Romantically, things are looking really good for both of the twins.
Phil and Blake spun up matching engagement wants. And Benedict asked Katie to move in with him.

Oh Roy... You are making me sad with your semi-stalkerish behavior.

Poor Roy. Not only did things not work out between him and Blake, but once Katie moved to the rental house from the dorm, he basically lost all contact with all 3 of his best friends. After catching him wandering by the Legacy rental multiple times with a lost, hangdog look on his face, Katie dragged him out to the college coffee shop for lattes and to help him look for available guys.

"We have to look out for Roy. We are his best friends, we can't just abandon him now that he and Blake aren't a thing any more."

With their last semester ticking down, Benedict decided he wanted to join the Greek House, just to say he did it.

Sorry, Mike, maybe some generation 3 kid will join up and actually move into the Frat house with you. I know how much you'd like to actually get a little play time. It's hard to be a place holder!

"Um, Mysterious Voice?"
Huh? You mean me?
"Yeah, you."
What's up, Guys?
"I know it is too late for Gen 2, but can we maybe do something about the freaking Llama for future generations of O'Keefes? Every stinking day, he's here making a racket. Running around the house all hours of the day. I'd haul off and smack him except I know he has 10 body points and it would suck to have a 'Got my butt kicked by the annoying Llama Mascot' memory."

"And while we are talking about undesirable college folks we'd like you to take care of there is this guy too! Mr. Red Headed Jock Guy keeps kicking over the freaking trash can. I swear, this guy wanders by at least twice a week just to kick over the trash. Nobody even knows him!"

Your complaints are noted.

Hey boys! Before I forget about it, can one of you do me a favor and pop the last wish on that genie lamp? It would be a shame if you all moved out without using it.

Down to the wire. Finals are in a few hours! Yay!

Blake, there isn't time to head over to the... Oh... Gotcha. Good luck!

"Philip, I know we haven't known each other very long, but would you marry me?"

Congratulations, you two! Now can you please go take your final finals???

Drumroll please...tatatatatata... the last of the O'Keefe 2nd generation has finished University!!!

Time for one last party and then we are outta here!!!

"Hey Katie?"

"You and me forever?"
"Just you try to shake me, Benedict O'Keefe."

"We did it!"

Yes, you did!!! I'm so proud of you, all of you. Your parents should get a special memory marker, they had not 3, but 6 childen graduate from college!

Time to go folks! Make sure you've packed up all your important stuff or it is going to get left behind for a long time!

Katie, ladies go first.



and Blake!

See ya all back in Calypso Island!!!

It is hard to believe that college is finally over! Next up we are back in Calypso Island and will be running through all the spare households, starting with Braden's family.

legacy spares, sim state, calypso island legacy

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