Still waiting for the results from the X-rays.
Still waiting to see a specialist.
Still flat out broke. So broke that I am entering every darn contest/giveaway on every other blog to win something that will make my life a little more glamorous than it is.
Iggy's still the best kid in the world and she's still heavily influenced by Bart Simpson with a touch of Patrick Star. Her dancing always ends up with her mooning the crowd...
How about you guys? Are you mooning the crowd?
I have read a lot of tweets (and statuses) about people returning to good ole Livejournal but I have yet to see you update?
Facebook is only about Farmville (to me) and Twitter, well, it's when I have too much time and nothing much to do. It's not like I am cheating on you guys....
Ps: The whole Jesse James shebang - don't I recognize that girl from some site under a slightly different alias?