Letter from Home

Dec 06, 2005 19:04

Lisa sighs when she sees that she has mail today - her address scrawled onto the front of the pristine white envelope in her mother's handwriting, the Princeton-Plainsboro logo stamped in the left hand corner. She sits down on her bed, and rubs her neck a few times before tearing it open.

Dear Lisa,

I hope you're having fun at school. Can you believe how fast the time has gone by this year? You must be knee-deep in finals. Your father and I wish you the very best for your studies. You've always made us proud.

We also hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. Your father got a nasty sunburn that weekend that's only really disappeared in the past few days. You'd like the Dominican, I think. The weather was lovely and the resort was right on the beach. When you get to college, you should consider taking Spring Break there.

I'm writing you this letter to let you know that unfortunately, your father and I are both attending a conference in France at the end of the month. It begins on the 26th, so we're flying out on the 23rd. With your finals schedule we're going to miss you completely on your break and for Hanukkah. You father transferred some money into your account this afternoon, why don't you buy yourself something nice for the holidays? We should be back right after the first of the year, maybe you could take a daytrip and come visit your friends in New Jersey. Everyone at the hospital asks after you, and we tell them how well you're doing.

Say hello to Dr. Wilson for us, and wish him a happy holiday as well. And if Greg House gives you any trouble, give us a call right away dear and we'll speak to him for you.

All my love,
Mom XO

Lisa stares at the letter for a moment, and then tosses it in the garbage, flopping back onto her bed and biting her lip. She looks at her phone with the urge to call her mother and tell her off, but she decided to not raise her voice all week as her Ethics assignment, and there is no way she can call her mother without eventually yelling. Frustrated, she grabs a textbook and tries to study, but ends up mostly staring at the pages listlessly.
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