Aug 25, 2006 01:09
Most of you won't find this interesting or worth your read, but those who give a shit about what I think- enjoy:
I am a partner from store ..2480 and would like to voice a suggestion/opinion.
Through my (almost) two years with the company I've found how much you, as a company encourage and even value what your partners have to say.
So here it is.
Thank you for your time:
Starbucks as a corporation, has acted responsibly and fairly to the general public in my opinion.
I think their approach to sharing information, by informing and involving customers has been commendable.
The avenue chosen seems to be one of, educating the partners, to the point where they actually become passionate about the many facets of the corporation named Starbucks.
The one thing I brag most about our company is how we challenge, educate, involve and treat American men and women LIKE American MEN and WOMEN.
Upon starting a promotion for our local zoo, someone higher up decided that making the partners wear safari style straw hats to work would "catch the eye" and jump start conversations between customers and partners regarding our promotion.
I believe in the "dumbing down of america". You see it everywhere, people are told what to think, wear, eat, do with their lives, and they bite! Hook, line and sinker.
With this recent promotional "trick" I think Starbucks has jumped on that band wagon of bypassing interaction with another person and merely catching their eye to ramble off a "promotion". And that's just it, a promotion, not a conviction, or something we are actually exicted about.
Starbucks did nothing to get us excited about what our involvement with the zoo was.
And they definitely did not trust their fellow partners to get excited enough to share it with our customers.
They threw out all we have as a foundation and shoved hats on our heads to speak to a mass of dumbed down Americans.
We lowered ourselves to where the general public is at and decided to take the easy route by not starting conversations on our own or by expecting them to respond.
I don't believe this should ever be an option and we need to stick by the foundations we have started.
Educate, inform, develop passion about we do and share.
Sincerely, Lisa C. Vrazo (1223439)