Quote: Originally Posted by Lisa Charly
Mr. Tieri,
You really want to use Black Tom. He's right there in jail for use. Come now, you know you want to.
Frank Tieri: Yes, I do, Lisa. In fact, expect to see Black Tom when Juggs goes and visits him in issue 13. That's the first part of Unredeemed-- it's a Juggernaut-centric arc and you know you can't do a big Juggernaut story without Tom showing up at some point. It's the law.
Quote: Originally Posted by Lisa Charly
And you know you want Juggy to be evil and be partners-in-crime with him again. Really.
Frank Tieri: I may or I may not. You'll just have to read Unredeemed to find out.
Quote: Originally Posted by Lisa Charly
Also, any plans for TJ?
Frank Tieri: Yep. Expect TJ to have a fairly big moment in Unredeemed, since we're on the subject
Quote: Originally Posted by Lisa Charly
But Ann, I like evil Juggy! Though at least I can say quite happily that Cain's much easier on my brain now that Sammy's dead as a doornail. I love the Huggernaut too, and it was a natural character progression, but I'm a crotchety, nostalgic bint. (He still needs to be evil with Tom. Really.)
Frank Tieri: Folks, I'm going to have to make a proclamation here: the term "Huggernaut" is now and forever banned from my forum. I'm afaid it makes me throw up in my mouth a little, so it's got to go. Thank you in advance for your co-operation.
Quote: Originally Posted by Lisa Charly
To blame all his misdeeds on Tom would be slighting Cain's character. It would be portraying him as spineless and even dumber than the poor lug already is.
Frank Tieri: I agree with this whole heartedly, Lisa. I think Tom gets a bad rap as far as some fans feeling that he "made" Cain do bad things. I will say this-- this notion will be addressed once and for all in Unredeemed
Quote: Originally Posted by Lisa Charly
I want Cain to visit Tom in prison! Frank, you know you want to do this. And Mike Ryan agrees. Hint hint nudge nudge puppy eyes.
Frank Tieri: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, as I said earlier, you and Mike Ryan will be fairly happy because Cain will be paying Tom a visit. So save the puppy eyes for somebody else, sister-- they're not necessary here